Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i love this woman

the crafty chica has been around longer than most of us. but i must say, with work being a little slow, and the economy the way it is, she is a warm, vibrant partner to have in hard times. i picked up her new book "Crafty Chicas Guide to Artful Sewing" at the library, and have been divinely inspired. if you don't sew, or even if you sew, like, hardly, she has some great ideas and fun projects. also has her own product line as well.

everyone knows i have an unhealthy obsession with glitter, but Crafty Chica takes it to the nth power. check out her website if you want, or even if you just need a little smile


and i promise, i will update my blog more often!! really, i will.

1 comment:

marcy said...

I love how she signs off "Peace, love, and glitter". Glad to see you are using your time off for crafting goodness!